2017 China International Cotton Conference

Interacting ·Harmonising ·Innovating – to Reshape the Future of the Cotton Industry, June8-9, 2017 Westin Hotel, Chongqing, China

---Hold by---

China Cotton Association (CCA)China National Cotton Exchange (CNCE)

---Managed by---

Beijing Cotton Outlook Consulting Co.,LtdBeijing Zhongmianxie Technology & Trade Co.,Ltd


Chongqing Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Cotton Outlook Ltd

Beijing Cotton Outlook Consulting Co.,Ltd
Contact with Ms Ye Zhaoyu, Tel: +86 10 8808 6622 ext 811
Fax: + 86 10 8808 6617
Email: event@cottonchina.org

Publiée : 09/04/2017